Friday, December 10, 2010

Baby Burton #2 Update

On Thursday Russ, Luke, and I went to UVA for a fetal echo and an ultrasound.  The results for our baby are in, and thank goodness they are good:  The heart is in fact normal size as well as the stomache, but what made it not look good to our Dr. was because the baby was very small.  She is in the 14th percentile of her weight and size (she weighs 1 1/2 pounds when she should be weighing 3).  As for her irregular heartbeat- there is nothing they can do about that during the pregnancy except keep an eye on it.  If it is more serious than a PAC, then they will do something about it after she is born.  We will be going back to UVA Hospital on December 30th to check on the growth of the baby-if she is still not progressing as they would like, then we may need to do an early delivery, but I honestly don't think that will be the case.  I am feeling much better now that we have these results.  :)
Now I want to share something that I personally found to be exciting:  I think that Luke and his baby sister (still no name) will have the same mouth and nose.  Here is Luke's ultrasound image at 23 or 24 weeks (don't mind the reflection, the paper is super shiny on the sono images):

Here is baby burton's 29 week sono:

And, of course, I couldn't resist adding this.  I put him down for his nap (in his new toddler bed), tucked him in, gave him a kiss, and left the room to him snuggling with his bear. While in the living room, I hear noises coming from his bedroom for about 15 minutes, then absolute silence.  I went to check on him, and I found him like this.  I am so grateful Russ' mom got Russ a camera for his birthday, otherwise I would not have been able to record this precious moment.  :)  I have the cutest little toddler boy ever!!


  1. He's so big! I miss you guys so much. I am so glad everything is ok with Baby Burton.

  2. Becky, we miss you guys! Luke is such a cutie, and I'm excited for your up and coming baby girl. I'm sure she'll keep growing just fine.

  3. I really hope that things just keep getting better and better. Congrats on the baby girl. :)
