Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quick Update on Life

I have been meaning to put up a blog full of adorable pictures of Luke and how life has been for us, but it just never seems to happen.  Luke keeps me very busy, and does not like me being on the computer.  Typical for a toddler.  :)  So, my apologies about no pictures in this one, but I will make up for it in the next one.  :)
Life for us is wonderful.  We have our trials and life changing adjustments to adapt to, but we do it together and are very happy and blessed to have eachother.  Luke simply won't stop growing; his personality is very sweet and very...boyish.  :)  While he loves to snuggle with me, he also loves to play godzilla with his blocks.  He will build towers, then knock them down while making a growling sound.  Crazy kid. :)  
Russ is busy as ever, but is doing well under the stressful circumstances. 
I am just ready to have this baby.  We went to the doctor on Thursday and he has actually decided to schedule her delivery for the 18th.  I still plan on doing it naturally like I did with Luke.  I cannot wait to hold her and play dress up.  Every day will be a fashion show. :)
Luke is getting fussy, but the next post will have pictures and be more interesting, I promise!  We hope that all is well with you guys.  We really miss those who are not in BV with us.

1 comment:

  1. oh your blog is so cute!!! I miss you guys so much. I know when only live like down the road, but having a sick family and all, i feel like i haven't seen you in forever. Glad you guys are doing well and you get to meet baby lily a few weeks early :)
